10月は「年次有給休暇取得促進期間」です - 時事通信 http://dlvr.it/Prphq5
#PR,#マーケティングpic.twitter.com/kh34a4AAQi -
When U realise that OTT better half caption & barely there smiles in golf pic are to cover up Jens "so done" face frm J/D/Carlson outing
#PR -
One in which Dems politicize a natural disaster and where the MSM is complicit in spreading lies. Next question?
#PR#MAGAhttps://twitter.com/sensanders/status/914500284033978369 … -
If you and Trump was without power, food, water, medicine and no phone maybe the tweeting would stop.
#PR. -
@realDonaldTrump that trophy you dedicated to#PR...I'm sure they'd rather have that than clean water, food, housing, medicine.#Resignpic.twitter.com/hY0wUbRQuv -
I live in
#PR, We’re really devastated but@CarmenYulinCruz is not real She is playing politics, She is against USA & all it stands for -
EXACTLY this. In this moment, onus on you both to be best poss journalists. If not, start a
#PR career. TY. https://twitter.com/rileyjaydennis/status/914530778305957889 … -
Thankful for
@Lin_Manuel contributions to#PuertoRicoRelief efforts and got a note from@MoveOn - so I just donated funds! Praying for#PR -
#DoD continues 24hr ops to open ports/roads, restore power, & additional life-saving efforts in#PR#hurricanemaria https://go.usa.gov/xnquC pic.twitter.com/X6K5PcfJLP -
#POTUS has been very helpful in getting relief quickly to#PR & this Mayor .@CarmenYulinCruz has been inept in getting help to her pplpic.twitter.com/wkU54W2lzq -
Was literally EMBEDDED w/Navy&Marines in
#PR as they worked on/around island.Aired on national@CBSNews.That's Ch.9 on your D.C. tvhttps://twitter.com/presssec/status/914123100995846144 … -
Im calling out
@ladygaga to lend her jet so the people of#PR get supplies! Put ur jet where ur liberal mouth is!! Youre a fake!#PuertoRico -
You make my heart smile. My brother from another.
#pr#hispanicfederationpic.twitter.com/9ahCCQ6KRM -
And if you can't donate, please at least share for our fellow
#PR Americans!A share is worth almost $37 dollars! http://bit.ly/2xKCRrQ pic.twitter.com/y2XsLS5kI4
Instead of accusing
#PR of wanting everything done for them, focus on how we WANT to do EVERYTHING for them.#Relief#DotardTrump -
While the official response to the humanitarian disaster in
#PR is woefully insufficient, YOU can make a difference. I challenge each of you to give $5 to#HelpPuertoRico today. Let’s lead the way#GeeksResisthttps://twitter.com/theloyalo/status/913911887053688832 …
Some days you can't just tweet
.You have to put a spotlight on the INSANITY that is this presidency. Trump has ZERO human decency.
Pemuatan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.
Twitter mungkin melebihi kapasiti atau mengalami gangguan seketika. Cuba sekali lagi atau lawati Status Twitter untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.